Product Description
Ten Ways to Be a Whore demonstrates the actions you take to remain in a job you despise, and the perils you experience when you continue to spend your working life doing what you do not want to do. what you are not meant to do. Ten Ways is an examination of the habits of a corporate whore; an exploration into how worn-out thoughts, inaction and other behaviors lead you to spend your working days dissatisfied and unhappy. From the author's perspective, you gain entry into the mind of someone who has worked for someone else far too long and is now desperate to reclaim her life and find that seemingly elusive, professionally-gratifying independent pursuit. Ten Ways to be a Whore illuminates certain self-sabotaging activities we engage in. It is hoped that the illumination of these activities will serve as a catalyst to action.
Great book about whore psychology, about theirs minds.
You can read almost whole book on google.books - read here
iam am NOT a whore BUT I LOVE 2 DO IT;)